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The other day my Mom told me about this “Play of the Day” on Good Morning America.  I immediately knew this was my post for this week.  I was moved by the innocence in which the little boy returned the baseball to the field, because it is reflective of his young heart.  The innocence of youth is such a precious and beautiful thing.  So often in this world the innocence of youth dies far too soon.  Instead of just letting them enjoy the days of jump ropes, dolls, backyard soccer games, or a great game of stick ball; they are rushed to relinquish childhood to become adults.

This is why programs like Yonkers Idol are so important to a community.  They become the turning points and the catalyst in lives; bringing inspiration and hope.  Stay tuned later this week to hear more about the Yonkers Idol Search Program.

Click to listen to “What About The Children?” sung by the incomparable Yolanda Adams.